sbgc fall fair window

Come join us for our Fall Harvest Fair as we display our harvest of Fruits,
Vegetables, Flowers, Canning, Baking, Crafts, Photographs, and much more!
You can even bring in your own entries for judging.
You don’t have to be a club member to show!
No entry fees.

Free Admission         Anyone Can Enter          Fun For All Ages

Next Fair:
Fall 2025
See you there!

The origins of the
South Burnaby Garden Club
Fall Harvest Fair
Go back to the turn of
the previous century

In those days, Burnaby, and the rest of the lower mainland, was an agricultural and mostly rural society. Refrigeration was only a dream and there was very little trade in foodstuffs between countries. People depended on themselves and local farmers to produce foods that could be stored for use in winter. It was up to each family to manage this process through the use of root cellars and by canning and pickling.

Harvest time was the high point of the year and citizens gathered together at a fall fair to show the results of their labour by displaying the best of their annual crops. They would visit with each other and generally celebrate the harvest. Preserves and flowers were also exhibited with prizes being awarded for the best entries.

One hundred and twenty plus years later our Fall Harvest Fair persists. While many changes have occurred, the basic feelings of celebrating the growing season and our preparation for the winter remain. The Fair is our link with the past and helps us remember how independent we can be, if needed.
This year the parking lot will be full of cars rather than horse drawn buggies…

Never mind – put a little imaginary straw in your hat and come sample one hundred and twenty plus years of change.