Monthly Club Meeting – Speaker: Sage Kosa


7:30 pm


Bonsor Recreation Centre
6550 Bonsor Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia

We share a love of gardens and gardening and a desire to share our interest with others. Members of our club have a wealth of information and are happy to share their knowledge with novice gardeners.

Following a short business meeting we have an interesting speaker or special event.
We also have a judged showbench where everyone is encouraged to bring exhibits from their garden or floral art designs. Want to show an entry? You can find the show schedule here.

Please come as a guest at no cost, and you can decide if you would like to join….

This Month’s Speaker

Sage was raised on the traditional lands of the Hammonasset people, in the mixed hardwood, deciduous forests of Connecticut. She holds Fine Arts and Architecture degrees from the Rhode Island School of Design. She’s a graduate of the Horticulture Training Program at the UBC Botanical Garden and has done additional training at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in pursuit of her Red Seal certification as a Landscape Horticulturist. She’s a certified Pollinator Steward and an Accredited Practitioner of Organic Horticulture.
She owns and operates Kindred Gardens, a garden design, install, care, consulting, and coaching business. As an educator and practitioner, she is passionate about supporting local gardens and gardeners and creating gardens that function as healthy ecosystems. Together with her husband, Lee, she cares for a ½ acre property in Ladner, on the traditional lands of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking peoples, including the Tsawwassen and Musqueam first nations

This Month's Speaker
  • Sage Kosa
This Month's Topic
  • Decolonizing our Gardens, supporting pollinators, native plants, and more